Collaborative Filtering

유사한 취향을 가진 사람들의 작은 집합을 만드는 것. 일종의 클러스터링.

관련 논문으로 "Using collaborative filtering to weave an information tapestry" 이 있음.

  • Similarity score 계산
    사람(혹은 아이템) 간의 취향이 얼마나 비슷한지 정도를 계산할 수 있는데, 아래의 방법들이 있음
  • Euclidean distance score
    각각의 항목들을 축으로 놓고 특정 사람에 대한 항목별 선호도를 점으로 표시하면 두사람간의 거리를 계산하여 유사도를 구할 수 있는데 이를 유클리디안 거리점수 라고 한다. 항목이 두개 (x, y)인 경우 두 사람 A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) 간의 거리는 y = sqrt( (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 ) 이다. 마찬가지로 n 개의 항목에 대한 유클리디안 거리점수를 계산하면 아래처럼 표시될 수 있다.

    y = sqrt( (a1 - a2)^2 + ... + (n1 - n2)^2 )

    일반적으로 이렇게 구한 거리 d 를 1/d식으로 활용하여 서로 유사할 수록 높은 점수를 주는 방식으로 사용한다.
  • Pearson correlation score
    두개의 데이처 집합이 한 직선으로 잘 표현되는 정도를 나타낸 것이 상관계수인데, 정규화되지 않은 데이터에 대해 좋은 결과를 제공한다. 각각의 값이 점으로 표시된 좌표에서 모든 점들과 가장 가까운 직선을 그릴 수 있는데 이를 최적맞춤선(best-fit line)이라고 한다. 여러 항목들에 대한 두사람의 선호도 데이터를 가지고 있다면 이 두사람을 각 좌표의 축에 놓고 best-fit line을 그릴 수 있다.
    이 직선을 통해서 대체적으로 누가 더 많은 점수를 주었는지를 파악할 수도 있는데, 이를 grade inflation이라고 한다. 한쪽이 더 높은 점수를 꾸준하게 주었어도 선호도가 비슷하다면 직선으로 잘 표현될 수도 있다.
    때문에 Euclidean distance에서는 한쪽이 전체적으로 낮은 점수를 주었으면 두 사람의 유사도가 낮게 나오는 반면 Pearson correlation score에서는 이를 유사한 것으로 뽑아낼 수 있다.
    아래의 두 사람의 데이터에 대한 Pearson correlation score를 뽑아낸다고 하면,

    m1[] = { a1, a2, ... , an}
    m2[] = { b1, b2, ... , bn}

    아래와 같은 식으로 상관계수 값을 도출할 수 있다.

    sum1 = a1 + ... + an
    sum2 = b1 + ... + bn

    sq_sum1 = a1^2 + ... + an^2
    sq_sum2 = b1^2 + ... + bn^2
    mul_sum = a1 * b1 + ... + an * bn

    v1 = mul_sum - (sum1 * sum2 / n)
    v2 = sqrt( (sq_sum1 - (sum1^2) / n) * (sq_sum2 - (sum^2) / n) )

    return v2 == 0 ? 0 : n / v2

    값은 -1 ~ 1 사이이고 1은 모든 항목에 같은 점수를 준 것이다.
mysql -u root mysql
update user set password=password('new password') where user ='root';
flush privileges;


'tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

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linux locale 설정 변경  (0) 2009.01.07
linux man page...  (0) 2009.01.04

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ make install
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/
컴파일 시에 -liconv 옵션을 주고 컴파일...
이렇게 하고 나서도 
error while loading shared libraries
이러가 나오면....
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/

'tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

[linux] linux 작업 스케쥴러.. crontab  (0) 2009.03.09
mysql root 계정 비밀번호 설정 및 계정 추가  (0) 2009.01.09
linux locale 설정 변경  (0) 2009.01.07
linux man page...  (0) 2009.01.04
Mysql 에러별 대처 방법  (0) 2008.12.29
/etc/sysconfig/i18n   파일의 정보를 변경

ex) UTF-8을 EUC-KR로 변경

으로 변경한다.

'tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

mysql root 계정 비밀번호 설정 및 계정 추가  (0) 2009.01.09
linux iconv 설치 및 설정...  (0) 2009.01.08
linux man page...  (0) 2009.01.04
Mysql 에러별 대처 방법  (0) 2008.12.29
부팅시 USB키보드가 안먹힐때  (0) 2007.07.27
Visual Studio 의 MSDN 과 같은 설명서??
머 그런거 나와있는 web

'tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

linux iconv 설치 및 설정...  (0) 2009.01.08
linux locale 설정 변경  (0) 2009.01.07
Mysql 에러별 대처 방법  (0) 2008.12.29
부팅시 USB키보드가 안먹힐때  (0) 2007.07.27
모니터 사이즈 비교  (0) 2007.07.18

1. ./configure 시에 에러가 날때..

증상 : checking for tgetent in -lncurses... no
checking for tgetent in -lcurses... no
checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... no
checking for termcap functions library... configure: error: No curses/termcap library found
[root@localhost mysql-4.0.13]# make
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. stop.

왜 이런 메세지가 뜨는건가요?

해결책 : gcc가 없던지 아니면 패스가 안잡혀있는 경우입니다.

증상2 : configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
바로위에 에러메세지가 뜨는데요.,,  설치를잘못한건가요?

[root@localhost mysql-4.0.13]make를 실행하니까..

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  멈춤.
메세지가 뜨네요....

해결책2 : 리눅스에 gcc가 설치됐는지 확인해보세요.

rpm -qa|grep gcc


2. 소스 설치시 NOTE: This is a MySQL binary distribution. 라는 메시지가 나오며

증상 : It's ready to run, you don't need to configure it! 나옵니다. 이유가?

해결책 : 바이너리를 받으셨네요. 컴파일이 필요없는.. 그러니깐 이미 컴파일한 겁니다.
걍 압축풀고 적당한 위치로 이동시키면 됩니다.

tar zxvf mysql-xx.xx.tar.gz
mv mysql-xx.xx /usr/local/
ln -s /usr/local/mysqlxx.xx /usr/local/mysql


3. mysql을 실행하면 2번 에러가...

증상 : ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/m
ysql.sock' (2) 무슨 에러인지요?

해결법 : 데몬 구동시 ./safe_mysqld --user=mysql & 한번 해보세요.

그래도 에러가 나면 ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock 해보세요.


4. mysql.sock 중에 40번에러가 뭐져?

증상 : ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/m
ysql.sock' (40)

해결법 : chown mysql.mysql -R /var/lib/mysql 를 하시기 바랍니다.

그리고 참고로 php에서의 mysql socket 은 /etc/php.ini 에서 경로를 수정할 수 있습니다.


5. mysql 데몬이 죽어버릴때

증상: ./mysqld_safe & 실행했습니다.
    chown mysql .. <-- 비슷한 오류가 뜨면서 데몬이 죽어버립니다..

해결법 : 레드햇 리눅스라면 groupadd 와 useradd 에 '-r' 옵션을 사용해 보세요..

# useradd -r -d /usr/local/mysql mysql

이렇게 하면 500 보다 작은 UID, GID를 가진 mysql 그룹과
사용자가 생성됩니다.


6. mysql 실행시 데몬 바로 죽음

증상 : 030527 22:33:39  mysqld started
030527 22:33:39  Can't start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: 주소가 이미 사용 중입니다
030527 22:33:39  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?
030527 22:33:39  Aborting
030527 22:39:50  /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown 이 완료됨!
030527 22:39:50  mysqld ended

해결법 : 3306 포트에 이미 다른 mysqld 가 실행되고 있습니다.

/mysql/scripts/mysql_config 을 열어서 포트번호 수정하세요.


7. mysql-4.0.12 설치후 데몬이 안띄워지고 바로 죽네요..

증상 : 정상적으로 소스 설치하고 나서,,
   /usr/local/mysql/bin 에서 아래와 같이 실행하면,,, 데몬이 시작하자 마자 바로 죽습니다.
   ./safe_mysqld Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/var
   mysqld ended

그래서 에러 메세지를 보기 위해 /usr/local/mysql/var 로 이동하여 도매인.err 파일을
열어보니,, 아래와 같은 메세지가 있더군요.

mysqld started
InnoDB: Started
Fetal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file: ' ./mysql/host.frm'(errno: 13)'

해결법 : mysql_install_db 스크립트를 실행해서 초기 테이블을 생성해야 합니다.

       ./mysql_install_db 하시면 됩니다.


8. mysql sock 에러 문제의 확실한 해결법

증상 : 접속하면 >/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock 어쩌구 저쩌구 (111) 어쩌구 저쩌구..
머 이런 에러 나면서 접속 안되신 분들 많으실 겁니다.

해결법 : 문제는 간단합니다. 디렉토리 퍼미션 문제입니다.....

killall mysqld

chmod 755 -R /var/lib/mysql

chown mysql.mysql -R /var/lib/mysql

safe_mysqld --language=korean &


9. make 명령어를 실행하면 설치가 해제가 되거든요

증상 : make[2]: *** No rule to make target `ctype-euc_kr.lo', needed by `bmove_upp.lo'. 멈춤.

make[2]: 나감 `/usr/local/down/mysql-3.23.38/libmysql' 디렉토리

make[1]: *** [all-recursive] 오류 1

make[1]: 나감 `/usr/local/down/mysql-3.23.38' 디렉토리

make: *** [all-recursive-am] 오류 2

해결법 : 먼저 LD_LIBRARY_PATH에 모든 라이브러리 경로가 들어가 있어야 합니다.

이런 경우때문에 필요한 라이브러리를 찾지못해 에러가 납니다.

거의 필요한 패키지를 설치했는데도 에러가 나면

LD_LIBRARY_PATH를 확인해볼 필요가 있답니다.


10. mysql 설치시 gcc에러나는데 해결책 좀

증상 : 에러 내용과 커맨드는 아래와 같습니다.

# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-charset=euc_kr

checking for c++... c++
checking whether the C++ compiler (c++   ) works... no
configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.

해결책 : red hat 8.0 설치시 gcc,gcc++등 여러가지 설치가 안되는게 많더군요.

rpm으로 찾아서 다 설치하고 나서 컴파일 하면 됩니다.

rpmfind.net에서 찾으실 수 있습니다. 에러 보고 하나하나 다 설치하시면 됩니다.


11. 인스톨 설치도중 103 에러

증상 : an error occured move data process: -103
compenent : server
mySQL 4.0 설치할 때 잘되다가 이것되문에 설치가 안되네요..
이전에 깔았던 mySQL 3.23 때문에 그런지.. 영.. 모르겠네요.

해결책 : mysql이 설치된 폴더를 완전시 삭제하신 후에 다시 받으셔서 설치해보세요.


12. mysql설치 시 invalid user 오류가..

증상 : chown: mysql: invalid user
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data
030417 11:42:35  mysqld ended

데몬실행시 이런 에러가 뜨네요...
어떻게 해결하면 되죠?

해결책 : mysql 이란 유져가 유효하지 않다라는 에러로
현재 mysql이란 계정이 존재하지 않기때문에 나는 에러입니다.

설치하신 후 mysql이란 그룹과 유저를 생성해주시고
/usr/local/mysql/ 아래 디렉토리에 대한 권한도 주셔야 제대로 동작할 것 입니다.


13. mysql 4.0.12 설치 시 "Check your system clock" 오류

증상 : mysql 4.0.12를 설치하는데...
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-charset=euc_kr
이렇게 했는데 다음과 같은 메세지가 나옵니다.
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!
Check your system clock
왜 그런건지 알려주세요..

해결법 : mysql이 개발된 시간보다 현재시간이 늦어서(?) 생기는 문제입니다.

시간설정으로 간단히 해결할 수 있습니다.

인터넷(네트웍)이 되는 상황이라면
rdate -s (잘못된 시간 설정을 올바르게 바꾸는 명령)를 하시고
( <== 이부분은 다른서버를 이용하셔도 무방)
아니면 date 명령어로 시간을 현재시간으로 설정해주세요...

예) date 06111800 (6월 11일 저녁6시)


14. 설치시 configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH 에러

증상 : ./configure 하면 중간에
configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH
이라는 글씨가 써지면서 멈춰버리더군요. 다른 버전을 설치해도 마찬가지입니다.

해결법 : cc 즉 c complier 가 없다는 말입니다

c 컴파일러가 PATH에 안잡혀 있을 수 있습니다. path를 추가하거나 gcc를 다시 설치하십시요.


15. config시 ERROR: 1062 Duplicate entry 'localhost-root' for key 1

증상 : mysql 소스설치 config시
다음과 같은 에러가 나는데요..
rpm버전 삭제했는데 데몬이 살아 있나?
ps -ax | grep mysql 하면 암것도 안나오거든요.

ERROR: 1062 Duplicate entry 'localhost-root' for key 1
ERROR: 1062 Duplicate entry 'localhost-root' for key 1
030312 14:58:03 ./bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

해결책 : 캐시에 이전데몬이 살아있기 때문입니다.
kill 명령으로 프로세스를 완전히 죽이신 다음 다시 설치하시면 됩니다.


16. configure 에러로 "error : No curses/termcap library found" 무슨 에러죠?

증상 : checking for termcap functions library...

configure: error : No curses/termcap library found

해결책 : libtermcap-devel-xxx 패키지가 필요해서 발생하는 에러입니다.

설치시디를 넣으시고 설치를 하시면 해결됩니다.

'tip' 카테고리의 다른 글

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linux man page...  (0) 2009.01.04
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모니터 사이즈 비교  (0) 2007.07.18
Port Scanner  (0) 2007.07.05
처음에 대학교에 입학하면서 리눅스를 하게 되었고...
리눅스보다는 윈도우 프로그래머가 되고 싶기에
리눅스는 단지 취미로 하는 것에 만족했었다...
하지만 지금... 다시 리눅스 프로그래머가 될지도 모른다...

회사에 입사한 것도 윈도우 프로그래머가 되고 싶기에
또... 사용자가 직접 사용하는 프로그램을 만들고 싶기에...
프로그래머의 길을 나아가는 것이였지만...
윈도우가 아닌... 엔진을... 윈도우용 엔진을 만들다가... 이제는 리눅스용 엔진을 만들지도...

점점... 내가 할 일을 벗어나는 것인지...
아니면... 나에게 앞으로 더 좋은 길을 인도해 주는 것인지... 점점 모르겠다...

'My Story' 카테고리의 다른 글

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2407WFP-HC  (0) 2007.10.01
블로깅 시작!!  (0) 2007.07.05
vaio sz44  (0) 2007.03.27

Load and Performance Test Tools

Funkload - Web load testing, stress testing, and functional testing tool written in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL. Emulates a web browser (single-threaded) using webunit; https support; produces detailed reports in ReST, HTML, or PDF.

Avalanche - Load-testing appliance from Spirent Communications, designed to stress-test security, network, and Web application infrastructures by generating large quantities of user and network traffic. Simulates as many as two million concurrently-connected users with unique IP addresses, emulates multiple Web browsers, supports Web Services testing Supports HTTP 1.0/1.1, SSL, FTP, RTSP/ RTP, MS Win Media, SMTP, POP3, DNS, Telnet, and Video on Demand over Multicast protocols.

Loadea - Stress testing tool runs on WinXP; free evaluation version for two virtual users. Capture module provides a development environment, utilizes C# scripting and XML based data. Control module defines, schedules, and deploys tests, defines number of virtual users, etc. Analysis module analyzes results and provides reporting capabilities.

LoadManager - Load, Stress, Stability and Performance testing tool from Alvicon. Runs on all platforms supported by Eclipse and Java such as Linux, Windows, HP Unix, and others.

TestLOAD - An automated load testing solution for IBM iSeries from Original Software Group Ltd. Rather than placing artificial load on the network, it runs natively on the server, simulating actual system performance, monitoring and capturing batch activity, server jobs and green-screen activity. For web and other applications.

NeoLoad - Load testing tool for web applications from Neotys with clear and intuitive graphical interface, no scripting/fast learning curve, clear and comprehensive reports and test results. Can design complex scenarios to handle real world applications. Features include data replacement, data extraction, system monitors, SSL recording, PDF and HTML reporting, IP spoofing, and more. Multi-platform: Windows, Linux, Solaris.

PowerProxy - A low cost HTTP/HTTPs proxy, from Orderly Software Ltd., has a range of basic load-testing features to test web servers and show debugging information about every request and response received or sent. For Windows.

webStress - Load and stress testing service from MoniForce BV. Includes recommendations on how to fix performance-related problems.

HostedToolbox - Hosted load testing service from hostedLABS, LLC. Browser based test script recording, no downloads or system requirements Works with any client or server. Executed from hostedLAB's distributed infrastructure with servers in multiple locations.

Test Complete Enterprise - Automated test tool from AutomatedQA Corp. includes web load testing capabilities.

WebPartner Test and Performance Center - Test tool from WebPartner for stress tests, load performance testing, transaction diagnostics and website monitoring of HTTP/HTTPS web transactions and XML/SOAP/WSDL web services.

QTest - Web load testing tool from Quotium Technologies SA. Capabilities include: cookies managed natively, making the script modelling phase shorter; HTML and XML parser, allowing display and retrieval of any element from a HTML page or an XML flux in test scripts; option of developing custom monitors using supplied APIs; more.

LoadDriver - Load test tool from Inforsolutions emphasizes ease of use; directly drives multiple instances of MSIE, rather than simulating browsers. Supports browser-side scripts/objects, HTTP 1.0/1.1, HTTPS, cookies, cache, Windows authentication. Tests can be scriptlessly parameterized with data from text files or custom ODBC data source, for individual userID, password, page to start, think times, data to enter, links to click, cache, initial cache state, etc.

Test Perspective Load Test - Do-it-yourself load testing service from Keynote Systems for Web applications. Utilizes Keynote's load-generating infrastructure on the Internet; conduct realistic outside-the-firewall load and stress tests to validate performance of entire Web application infrastructure.

SiteTester1 - Load test tool from Pilot Software Ltd. Allows definition of requests, jobs, procedures and tests, HTTP1.0/1.1 compatible requests, POST/GET methods, cookies, running in multi-threaded or single-threaded mode, generates various reports in HTML format, keeps and reads XML formatted files for test definitions and test logs. Requires JDK1.2 or higher.

httperf - Web server performance/benchmarking tool from HP Research Labs. Provides a flexible facility for generating various HTTP workloads and measuring server performance. Focus is not on implementing one particular benchmark but on providing a robust, high-performance, extensible tool. Available free as source code.

NetworkTester - Tool (formerly called 'NetPressure') from Agilent Technologies uses real user traffic, including DNS, HTTP, FTP, NNTP, streaming media, POP3, SMTP, NFS, CIFS, IM, etc. - through access authentication systems such as PPPOE, DHCP, 802.1X, IPsec, as necessary. Unlimited scalability; GUI-driven management station; no scripting; open API. Errors isolated and identified in real-time; traffic monitored at every step in a protocol exchange (such as time of DNS lookup, time to logon to server, etc.). All transactions logged, and detailed reporting available.

WAPT - Web load and stress testing tool from SoftLogica LLC. Handles dynamic content and HTTPS/SSL; easy to use; support for redirects and all types of proxies; clear reports and graphs.

Microsoft Application Center Test - Tool for stressing Web servers and analyzing performance and scalability problems with Web applications, including ASP, and the components they use. Supports several authentication schemes and SSL protocol for use in testing personalized and secure sites. The programmable dynamic tests can also be used for functional testing. Visual Studio .NET Edition.

OpenLoad - Affordable and completely web-based load testing tool from OpenDemand; knowledge of scripting languages not required - web-based recorder can capture and translate any user action from any website or web application. Generate up to 1000 simultaneous users with minimum hardware.

ANTS - Advanced .NET Testing System from Red Gate Software. A load and stress testing tool focused on .NET web applications, including XML Web Services. ANTS generates multiple concurrent users via recordable Visual Basic .NET scripts and records the user experiences, at the same time performance counter information from Windows system is integrated into the results.

Apache JMeter - Java desktop application from the Apache Software Foundation designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. Originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions; may be used to test performance both on static and dynamic resources (files, Servlets, Perl scripts, Java Objects, Data Bases and Queries, FTP Servers and more). Can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types; can make a graphical analysis of performance or test server/script/object behavior under heavy concurrent load.

TestMaker - Free open source utility maintained by and Frank Cohen, for performance, scalability, and functional testing of Web application. A framework and utility to build and run intelligent test agents that implement user behaviors and drive the system as users would. Features an XML-based scripting language and library of test objects to create test agents. Includes capability to check and monitor email systems using SMTP, POP3, IMAP protocols. Java-based tool - runs on any platform.

Webhammer - Low-cost utility by Stephen Genusa designed to test Web applications and servers. Configurable 1-16 connections per system CPU.

SiteStress - Remote, consultative load testing service by Webmetrics. Simulates end-user activity against designated websites for performance and infrastructure reliability testing. Can generate an infinitely scalable user load from GlobalWatch Network, and provide performance reporting, analysis, and optimization recommendations.

e-Load - Web load test tool from Empirix can simulate hundreds or thousands of concurrent users; accessible via a Web browser interface.

Siege - Open source stress/regression test and benchmark utility; supports basic authentication, cookies, HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Enables testing a web server with a configurable number of concurrent simulated users. Stress a single URL with a specified number of simulated users or stress multiple URL's simultaneously. Reports total number of transactions, elapsed time, bytes transferred, response time, transaction rate, concurrency, and server response. Developed by Jeffrey Fulmer, modeled in part after Lincoln Stein's, but allows stressing many URLs simultaneously. Distributed under terms of the GPL; written in C; for UNIX and related platforms.

Jblitz - Affordable load testing tool from Clan Productions aimed at small web site developers. Each part of a site's functionality can be tested apart or together with up to 500 threads to simulate many users. Can request anything normally addressable through browser, including regular web pages, ASP scripts, JSP scripts, Servlets, CGI scripts etc.

WebServer Stress Tool - Web stress test tool from Paessler GmbH handles proxies, passwords, user agents, cookies and ASP-session IDs. Shareware. For Windows. Standard, Professional, and Enterprise versions.

Web Polygraph - Freely available benchmarking tool for caching proxies, origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, and other Web intermediaries. Other features: for high-performance HTTP clients and servers, realistic traffic generation and content simulation, ready-to-use standard workloads, powerful domain-specific configuration language, and portable open-source implementation. C++ source available; binaries avail for Windows.

OpenSTA - 'Open System Testing Architecture' is a free, open source web load/stress testing application, licensed under the Gnu GPL. Utilizes a distributed software architecture based on CORBA. OpenSTA binaries available for Windows.

PureLoad - Java-based multi-platform performance testing and analysis tool from Minq Software. Includes 'Comparer' and 'Recorder' capabilities, dynamic input data, scenario editor/debugger, load generation for single or distributed sources.

ApacheBench - Perl API for Apache benchmarking and regression testing. Intended as foundation for a complete benchmarking and regression testing suite for transaction-based mod_perl sites. For stress-testing server while verifying correct HTTP responses. Based on the Apache 1.3.12 ab code. Available via CPAN as .tar.gz file.

Torture - Bare-bones Perl script by Lincoln Stein for testing web server speed and responsiveness and test stability and reliability of a particular Web server. Can send large amounts of random data to a server to measure speed and response time of servers, CGI scripts, etc.

WebSpray - Low-cost load testing tool from CAI Networks; includes link testing capabilities; can simulate up to 1,000 clients from a single IP address; also supports multiple IP addresses with or without aliases. For Windows.


eValid - Web test tool from Software Research, Inc that uses a 'Test Enabled Web Browser' test engine that provides browser based 100% client side quality checking, dynamic testing, content validation, page performance tuning, and webserver loading and capacity analysis.

WebPerformance Trainer - Load test tool emphasizing ease-of-use, from WebPerformance Inc. Supports all browsers and web servers; records and allows viewing of exact bytes flowing between browser and server; no scripting required. Modem simulation allows each virtual user to be bandwidth limited. Can automatically handle variations in session-specific items such as cookies, usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and any other parameter to simulate multiple virtual users. For Windows, Linux, Solaris, most UNIX variants.

WebSuite - A collection of load testing, capture/playback, and related tools from Technovations for performance testing of web sites. Modules include WebCorder, Load Director, Report Generator, Batch, Manager, and others. WebSizr load testing tool supports authentication, SSL, cookies, redirects. Recorded scripts can be modified manually. For Windows.

FORECAST - Load testing tool from Facilita Software for web, client-server, network, and database systems. Capabilities include proprietary, Java, or C++ scripting; windows browser or network recording/playback. Network traces can also be taken from over 15 third party tracing tools. Virtual user data can be parameterized. Works with a wide variety of platforms.

e-Load - Load test tool from Empirix Software; for use in conjunction with test scripts from their e-Tester functional test tool. Allows on-the-fly changes and has real-time reporting capabilities. Includes script editor with advanced debugging and maintenance capabilities. Works with a wide variety of platforms.


http-Load - Free load test application from ACME Labs to generate web server loads, from ACME Software. Handles HTTP and HTTPS; for Unix.

QALoad - Compuware's QALoad for load/stress testing of web, database, and char-based systems. Integration with other Compuware tools provides an in-depth view by monitoring its operating system, database and network components, as well as the application itself. Works with a variety of databases, middleware, ERP.

Microsoft WCAT load test tool - Web load test tool from Microsoft for load testing of MS IIS servers; other MS stress tools also listed.

Portent Web Load test tool -'s low-priced web load testing tool. Has minimal hardware requirements. Page validation via matching string in page. Written in Java; multi-platform.

SilkPerformer - Enterprise-class load-testing tool from Segue. Can simulate thousands of users working with multiple protocols and computing environments. Allows prediction of behavior of e-business environment before it is deployed, regardless of size and complexity. SilkPerformer Lite version also available for up to 100 simulated users.

Radview's WebLoad - Load testing tool from Radview Software, also available as part of their TestView web testing suite. Capabilities include over 75 Performance Metrics; can view global or detailed account of transaction successes/failures on individual Virtual Client level, assisting in capturing intermittent errors; allows comparing of running test vs. past test metrics. Test scripting via visual tool or Javascript. Wizard for automating non-GUI-based services testing; DoS security testing.

Loadrunner - Mercury's load/stress testing tool for web and other applications; supports a wide variety of application environments, platforms, and databases. Large suite of network/app/server monitors to enable performance measurement of each tier/server/component and tracing of bottlenecks. Integrates with other Mercury testing and monitoring producs.

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